Just a pile of Old Computer Junk "Its life Jim, but not as we know it"

Posts Archive

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January 2025 Japan Trip - Retro report post #2

January 2025 Japan Trip - Retro report post #1

Cheap Smart Speaker Teardown part 4

Prospecting for bare metal libc functions

The stupidest smallest things are sometimes the hardest to work out how to fix

Getting to orange mode in non-phone embedded android targets

Notes on coaxing valgrind to work on arbitrary embedded targets

Cheap Smart Speaker Teardown part 3 - How to find the speed of a serial port

Cheap Smart Speaker Teardown part 2

Cheap Smart Speaker Teardown part 1

Fixing a last century GPS timeserver part 1

Installing LineageOS on a cheap midrange phone (part 1 - bootloader unlock)

Hacking BluRay players just for fun - part 1

Well that has been a while

Package updates don't always help (bug: unsupported BodyInit type)

Some notes on moving to Ionic4 from Ionic3 and building a web app

Running unit tests selectively with Angular7 (+ Ionic4) and Karma

Reboot Hello World, 2019 edition

My Commodore SX64 has only 6143 bytes free

From the outside looking in

Mapbox on Chrome on Android

Welcome to Jekyll! (Switching over from Wordpress)

Distracting adventures in ZFS upgrades

Using an i2c RTC with the Carambola2 (or any OpenWRT modified router)

Why is the Arduino IDE so stupid?

Challenge for 2015: hackaday prize competition

hacksa2015 - we won!

Expanding Horizons


Linux.conf.au 2015 : working backwards from the end... and things that go bang!

Linux.conf.au 2015 catchup #1

Linux.conf.au - so much all the things!

Experiments with hardening OpenWRT: applying the grsecurity patches

Running FreeBSD on the carambola2

(UPDATE) Evaluating the security of OpenWRT (part 3) adventures in NOEXECSTACK’land

Evaluating the security of OpenWRT (part 3) adventures in NOEXECSTACK'land

Evaluating the security of OpenWRT (part 2) - bugfix

Evaluating the security of OpenWRT (part 2)

Evaluating the security of OpenWRT (part 1)

Raspberry Pi Virtual Machine Automation

Unleashed GovHack - an Adelaide Adventure in Open Data

Avoiding your own Goto Fail in a pinch

Booting a Windows7/Vista Recovery partition when Windows is broken

OpenWRT WDS between legacy WRT54G and recent TP-Link devices

Using a Brother network scanner with Linux

Launchpad to Github round trip, save 5 giabytes on the way

OQGraph - bazaar adventures in migrating to git

On Linux.conf.au and Presentation logistics

Quick Tip - AspireOne xrandr

Quick Tip - copying colons over ssh and rsync

Some funky stuff with git - working with tags

Something new: dcfldd - a more advanced dd for data transfer

So you learn something new every day...

Github repository

Debugging an x86 bootloader using QEMU+KVM

Achievement unlocked - OpenWRT device porting - and a quick and dirty level conversion

Yellowstone YSE300 7" 4GB EReader (aka AudioSonic ASEET001K)

Quick Tip - Legacy Skype on Debian Squeeze

LCA2013 Wrap(-ish) - slides for my talk

Linux.conf.au days 2-4 (well, sort of)

AspireOne and encrypted SD card /home

Linux.conf.au 2013 Day 1

When 'ssh -X somehost' doesnt work...

Fixing sluggish write performance of USB flash (thumb) drives

Windows shenanigans - with a little help from our (Linux) friends - part 1

Take a breather

FreeDNS dynamic DNS service

Using EnigMail with Thunderbird Icedove 10 from Debian Squeeze Backports

Scratch and itches

Fixing my annoying kernel bug(s) - Part 2

Fixing my annoying kernel bug(s) - Part 1

Patching and Building a custom Linux Kernel in Debian

SD to IDE converter problems

Historical insights into the current Canberra mayhem

OpenWRT tips

OpenWRT web admin (LUCI) wierdness

Having a go at contributing back

Blog Architecture

Remastering Youtube videos into AVI for your Set Top Box

How to Enable / Disable remote X connections in Debian Squeeze

Buy a raffle ticket and support the Country Fire Assocation

Linux.conf.au A First Timer Day 2

Linux.conf.au (LCA2012) a First Timers perspective

Its nearly time...

Using SSHFS with a specific identity

GnuCash 2.4.8 on Debian Squeeze

How to turn off smiley graphics in WordPress

Google search uselessness

Debian Squeeze and Linux Kernel 3

Optus Huawei E173 in Debian Squeeze

USBmount tool in Debian Squeeze

Note to self - Wordpress tweaks

Gnucash ledger font

I'm going to LCA2012

printf("Hello World\n");